Saturday, October 2, 2010

My thoughts on the soundtrack...

oh well...
now that there's already 8 tracks of Dong Yi that I can listen everyday...
I would like to share my feelings on each song...

1) Cheon AeJia (Jang Na Ra)
>> Sad song...makes me feels as if I've lost someone important in my life...and the drama staff was so evil by showing sad scene accompanied by this song...oh yeah...actually I've never know that Jang Na Ra can sing this extremely sad song! *CLAPS*

2) Buyonghwa (VA)
>> Gotta be my fav of all!!! me and my sister makes this song as our ringtones^^ and alarm...omo...imagine waking up by the sound of the..."gong" i think...

3) Aebyeolri (Lim Hyung-joo)
>> The slower version of it but less than's Queen Inyeon that makes me love it actually...but LHJ's voice is awesome...just listen to Bomiyeo and you will feel the song in your heart...and the same thing will happen to Aebyeolri...

4) Aewolrang (Jang Yun-jeung)
>> I don't know why people only did criticize this song when it was used as ending credits for ep 49..wasn't it used in ep 45 during the Sukjong and Geum moment?? anyway...I like this song...especially when it was used as BGM for Yeoning and Yun^^

5) DanAe
>> My fav music score because it was used during the return of Queen Inhyeon's to the should be named Inhyeon's Theme^^lol!!!selfish!!~ but the music really suits her character/personality^^

6) Yeonryeon
>> The piano version of Cheon's good in my hearing...but looking forward for the one with the vocals I used to hear in the drama...

7) Yeomhye
>> Could not remember which episodes did I hear it 1st...but must be from those suspense scene...

8) Myeonghyeon
>> I remember this score from ep 39..but something about the sound that did not match the one I listen to...maybe there's a missing instrument intended for a different release? huhu...will be anticipating it^^

and...I MISS OH YOON!!~

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm May I was searching on the net the complete list of Dong-yi's soundtrack when I stumbled upon your site. I just would like to ask if you know the title of the track played in Episode was in the scene when the king got really drunk and went to see Dong-yi? I have been searching for that track for like 3 weeks now but all I can find is Aebyeolri ... I really like that score...perhaps you know.... you may pm me..this is my email address: so much
